Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Letter from November 5, 2012

   Good morning!!! I hope that everyone is feeling extra refreshed from the added hour of sleep we all got this weekend. It was strange being able to wake up to the sun filling our bedroom with light on Sunday morning, but definitely a welcomed sight. My companion and I had a pretty good week and were able to hear some very exciting news. So the week began with transfers on Monday where we got to meet our new roommate Elder Millar. Millar is a pretty neat guy and fits right in with the rest of us in the apartment. Since meeting him we taught him a bit about our apartment culture (Card games, Inside Jokes, "The Apartment Rules") and he introduced a bit of his culture into the apartment as well. We've now enjoyed some intense hacky sack tournaments during lunch and some funny/depressing new missionary music to enjoy. One that especially hit my other roommate hard was about getting a Dear John which he had received just last month.
   As the week continued we had our mission talent show which was pretty good for the most part. I loved getting to see my MTC district again and hear about how their experiences have been so far. The talent show itself was the more interesting part of the night with many borderline appropriate skits being perform but many good ones as well. My companion and one of our roommates did an awesome drumming act in which I had a very small part where I ran out briefly on stage. One of the other great acts was a play off of American Idol in which a zone combined American Idol, with characters from The Testament, The District, and Finding Faith in Christ. It was was really good and had us all laughing pretty hard throughout the show.
   On Friday my companion and I received a very sad message from a new member in the ward who had a very close nonmember friend in the hospital. Her friend was in critical care after giving birth to premature twins and the member asked if we would be able to go and give her a blessing. So after receiving permission from our zone leaders to go to the hospital which was out of our area we headed down and began to make our way in. As we walk toward the entrance we were stopped by a man with a woman in a wheel chair who ask if we could say a prayer for the woman. The faith of this man really touched me and I nearly cried as the woman was overcome with gratitude toward us in praying for her. When we got into the hospital we had to give a password to see our patient and be escorted to her room. The woman was hooked up to dozens of tubs and looked to be in horrible condition. She couldn't talk but gently nodded her head to give us permission to give proceed with a blessing. It was a tender sweet moment of my mission for me and I doubt that I will ever forget the feelings I had that day.
   In terms of progress with our investigators we had two great experiences. This week we challenged Dray to come to church to which he replied he wouldn't commit to a day but he did promise us that we would see him at church sometime this year. Sunday's are his only days off and he doesn't like making plans for the day. He then asked us to come to one of his yoga classes he teaches and promised that he would come to church if we come to one of his classes on a P-Day. We accepted the challenge and he said that if he comes to church now he's going to approach us and remind us that he'll see us on Monday. Dray really is a great guy and I've loved the opportunity that we've had to teach him so far.
   The other investigator with very exciting news was Kendal. We weren't able to have a lesson with him this week since he was out of town but I was excited to hear from our neighbors that he had come over and told them that he wants to get baptized before December. We're going to really push him now on coming to church each week and I hope that we'll be able to hold his baptismal service by the end of the month.
   Oh and to end my letter this week I'll share a brief fun story from the weekend. So we saw one of Keanu's sisters on Saturday holding a sign at a street corner to advertise for one of the local businesses, and the next day we went to church and were pretty disappointed to see that his sister didn't make it. Well as we drove back after our meetings we saw her out by the curb with the sign again and decided to turn the car around and park. We then grabbed our scriptures and walked down to the sidewalk to see how see was doing. She informed us that she had requested not to work weekends but because of an art show that was right next door they told her they would need her to work. So we got to stand their and teach her a brief lesson and urge her to continue to read, pray, and attend church!!!
   Well hope all is going well with everyone at home and I wish you the best!
Love Elder Reeves

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